The fourth issue of The Subconscious Restaurant was created on the occasion of the 2015 Taipei International Book Exhibition at which New Zealand was the Guest of Honor. This issue focuses on New Zealand art, literature, history, and culture. The issue is bilingual (English and Chinese). The Subconscious Restaurant #4 was supported by the New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei.
- Chew Chong, history of the 19th Century Chinese immigrant to New Zealand, and his contribution to founding the country’s dairy industry
- Vivienne Plumb, three chapters from new “long” short story by the Wellington author
- Tao Wells, article by the Dunedin artist and voluntary community conceptualist on the “Nine Treaties of Waitangi” and the founding of New Zealand
- Greg Malcolm, interview with experimental guitar improvisationalist
- Doing Our Bit, article by Murdoch Stevens aout his campaign to double New Zealand’s refugee quota
- Antique Bird-Like Chatter: Miscompentence in New Zealand Electronic Music, by Bruce Russell